Mardi Gras, Carnival, Carnevale or Fasching – it’s always a party!

A masked and costumed couple attend Carnevale di Venezia in Venice, Italy

Mardi Gras is a lively celebration observed across the globe that precedes Lent; but its expressions vary wildly across cultures. While the celebrations in New Orleans may be the most famous, vibrant celebrations erupt all over the world. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil massive street parties and parades take to the streets. Meanwhile, in Venice,

7 Breathtaking Bridges Around the World

Since the dawn of civilization, bridges have played a crucial role. They have served as links across physical obstacles and facilitated both transportation and trade. In modern times, bridges continue to be essential infrastructure, connecting communities and supporting economic growth. Beyond their functional role, many bridges have evolved into iconic landmarks, captivating the imagination and